Sunday, 21 December 2008

Gaming with Huggy - Day 1 of 2

Saturday 20th Dec - I went to Huggy's for a few hours of gaming. As usual, it was full of banter between ourselves, attempting to talk down each other's attempts of winning. In brief, this is what got played:-

Mr Jack (x2)
Game 1: Huggy wins as the Detective on Turn 10 (Mr Jack was Sir William Gull).
Game 2: Matt wins as the Detective on Turn 10 (Mr Jack was Sherlock Holmes).

Fast Flowing Forest Fellers (x2)
Game 1: Matt wins.
Game 2: Huggy wins.

Dominion (x2)
Huggy was new to this, so I explained the rules & gave a few sample turns before we played a couple of the pre-determined 10 Kingdom card sets in the rulebook...

Game 1: Matt wins (First Game set-up).
Game 2: Matt wins (Size Distortion set-up).

Le Havre
Matt wins 166-151 using a strategy that mainly used buildings available to generate Francs. Huggy was building more buildings than I was.

Talisman 4th Edition Revised
Huggy reaches the Crown Of Command with the Prophettess & killing everyone else. Huggy showed his aging years with this trip down memory lane!

Day 2 is tomorrow - watch this space for a summary.

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