Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Right, I thought it was about time I put some kind of feline-related - and non-gaming! - post on here... makes sense since I've called this blog 'The Best Blog Concerning Games & Cats'!

Since I was born, we've lived around cats. My mother was (and still is, to a lesser extent) involved in Persian cat shows in a big way & years ago, it felt as though there was a conveyor belt with a new kitten every 6 months or so with a stunning & cute fluffy creature for the latest project. The most cats we've ever lived with was 20...! Yes, I know... a lot of dead mice & furballs!

Due to several reasons, the number of cats has now dwindled down to 7 - the main one being the 'cat boom' years turned into an aging population, which meant we've had a lot of nine lives being used up. It's much more manageable now - all the cats we have currently are Zendique exotics, which basically mean they're still Persian but with a short coat rather than being long-haired. It seems the latest trend in cats these days...

The picture above; the white boy is Dylan & was made the first UK Imperial Grand Champion & UK Imperial Grand Premier at the height of his 'fame' a couple of years ago. Apparently, people still talk about him at cat shows. The grey boy (Iggy) is actually's my sister's & has done reasonably well - he looks very similar to a grey boy (Tzar) that my mum has at the moment.
Well, that's it. Probably not very interesting but thought it was worth adding a useless fact about me on here...

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